Magnus Wallin
Magnus Wallin
Year: 1999
Duration: 3 min 36
Magnus Wallin’s Limbo (1999) starts with a spinning-prop helicopter, carrying three wounded survivors from his early video Physical Paradise. Commenting upon the representation of the physically challenged in the today’s society, in this video the artist visualizes a journey of purification from Earth’s ugliness and imperfection towards Heaven’s beauty and perfection. Wallin's films uses modern computer animation techniques in order to build up landscapes of an expressive and striking beauty. He uses architectural elements – often with a manifest historical reference – as a backdrop against which a ferocious plot is played out and where the viewer is challenged, not to say provoked, both as a biological creature and a cultural (not say existential or moral) being.
Magnus Wallin
Year: 1999
Duration: 3 min 36
Born 1965, Sweden
Work in Sweden